About the KDA
The KDA promotes public health and health services, advances the art and science of dentistry, and fosters an awareness of the obligations of the dental profession to society.
In addition, the KDA provides member dentists with legislative advocacy, timely news updates, and endorsed programs and services. The KDA unifies the professional community through opportunities for networking, continuing education, and volunteer work.
Interested in becoming a member? Join today!
Contact Us
Kansas Dental Association
5200 SW Huntoon
Topeka, KS 66604
Phone: 785-272-7360
Fax: 785-272-2301
Facebook: Kansas Dental Association
Twittter: @ksdental
Office Hours
Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM - 5 PM. An answering service is available during off hours, or you can contact a KDA staff member via email.